TinySA Spectrum Analyser 0.1Mhz to 350Mhz,240Mhz to 960Mhz, approved genuine product.

This  is  a Handheld spectrum analyser primarily for the frequencies  0.1Mhz to 350Mhz, there is a lesser quality input for UHF from 240 to 960Mhz.


Switchable resolution bandpass filters between 2.6khz and 640Khz


Full colour display 290 scan points.


Input step attenuator from 0db to 31db for MF/HF and VHF input


Can also be used as a signal generator , sine or square wave


Built in calibration signal generator for self test prior to use


Ability to connect to a PC enabling your PC to become a spectrum analyser,all leads supplied.


Rechargeable battery allows up to 2 hours of portable use.



Order Code: ME-TINYSA

Price £69.95 + £7.50 post

Back in stock as of 11th September 2023


Our address.  Chaos Cottage, Otley Road, Bingley  BD16 3AY By appointment only please. Tel:07825549430

Mirfield Electronics   Mobile: 07825549430


Or use our contact form.

TinySA Spectrum analyser to 960Mhz . Supplier of the genuine TinySA.




Order Code ME-TINYSA

Price    £69.95 + UK Post £7.50

Europe post £10.00

In stock now.


NEW 50Khz to 2000 Mhz 4 Inch screen NanoVNA

50Khz to 2000 Mhz Vector

Network Analyser. Read SWR,Smith chart .TDMA

Filters etc



Order Code: ME-VNAH4

Price £79.95

Post £7.50

Europe post £10.00

Our best seller 50khz to 1999Mhz standard VNA, All leads, SMA plugs and smart presentation box.


Order Code  ME-VNA

Price: £49.95 + £7.50 pos