NEW QYT KT5000 2/70 Tcvr detachable front panel
NEW.> The QYT KT5000 2m/70cm transceiver with DETACHABLE FRONT PANEL enabling the user to store away the main body of the transceiver and position the front panel in the smallest of spaces.
The radio has 25w output on 2m and 20w output on 70cms, with 2W audio out on Rx
200 memory channels, full features simplex, repeater, user programmable offsets, DCS,CTCSS etc
Included with the radio, all mounting hardware, DTMF microphone, 5m seperation cable, programming cable and DC power lead with 12v cigar plug.
The DTMF microphone plugs into the main body of the radio and the detachable front panel is then user mounted. The DTMF microphone can also be brought out through a side aperture and the front panel re affixed to the main body of the radio afterward so greatly increasing the versatality of the product.
This radio is over £100 cheaper than other radios with detachable panels
Frequency range 136-174Mhz, 400-480Mhz
Output power VHF 25w UHF 20w
Operating voltage 13.8v dc
Weight 500g
Dimensions 95(W) x 43(H) x 155(D)
Order Code ME-KT5000
Price £99.00 post £10.00
Our address. Chaos Cottage, Otley Road, Bingley BD16 3AY By appointment only please. Tel:07825549430
TinySA Spectrum analyser to 960Mhz . Supplier of the genuine TinySA.
Order Code ME-TINYSA
Price £69.95 + UK Post £7.50
Europe post £10.00
In stock now.
NEW 50Khz to 2000 Mhz 4 Inch screen NanoVNA
50Khz to 2000 Mhz Vector
Network Analyser. Read SWR,Smith chart .TDMA
Filters etc
Order Code: ME-VNAH4
Price £79.95
Post £7.50
Europe post £10.00
Our best seller 50khz to 1999Mhz standard VNA, All leads, SMA plugs and smart presentation box.
Order Code ME-VNA
Price: £49.95 + £7.50 pos