Arduino ATS-20+ HF Amateur/Shortwave/Medium Wave/Long Wave/76-108Mhz FM receiver.
Arduino based ATS-20+ receiver. The ATS-20+ covers all HF amateur bands , all Shortwave broadcast bands, Medium Wave and Long Wave transmissions and 76-108Mhz FM. modes of operation are AM,FM and SSB either USB or LSB with a seperate bandwidth selector for the appropriate mode.
Inbuilt Lithium battery rechargeable via the USB cable supplied, seperate telescopic antenna, seperate antenna connection on the rear of the radio via a BNC female socket allowing connection of an HF antenna. Clear blue LCD screen indicating frequency,built in loudspeaker and rear headphone socket attaching headphones will create also an FM aerial situation.
Overall size 155 x 102 x 63 mm weight 388g, black metal case.
Now in stock.
Order Code ATS-20+
Price £37.95
Post £7.50
Our address. Chaos Cottage, Otley Road, Bingley BD16 3AY By appointment only please. Tel:07825549430
TinySA Spectrum analyser to 960Mhz . Supplier of the genuine TinySA.
Order Code ME-TINYSA
Price £69.95 + UK Post £7.50
Europe post £10.00
In stock now.
NEW 50Khz to 2000 Mhz 4 Inch screen NanoVNA
50Khz to 2000 Mhz Vector
Network Analyser. Read SWR,Smith chart .TDMA
Filters etc
Order Code: ME-VNAH4
Price £79.95
Post £7.50
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Our best seller 50khz to 1999Mhz standard VNA, All leads, SMA plugs and smart presentation box.
Order Code ME-VNA
Price: £49.95 + £7.50 pos